The Stress of being a First Year Teacher… Again!

The Stress of being a First Year Teacher… Again!

Wait-being back to being a first year teacher? What does that even mean? A little background on my teaching career: My first year of teaching I taught first grade, then due to numbers I was force transferred to teach 5th grade at a new school. I absolutely loved my...
The Great Homework Debate

The Great Homework Debate

I’m going to start with a PSA: Teachers are professionals. Every teacher is different and has their own opinions. Yes-there are some not-very-good teachers, but there are many, many very good teachers. So whether or not you agree or disagree with what I’m about to...
Hudson’s Birth Story

Hudson’s Birth Story

It’s been a year. A year and almost a month, since a human being came out of my body. Sounds pretty creepy when I say it like that. Yes it is a beautiful experience, but that’s really what is happening. You are creating a human life then it comes out of...