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Teaching ideas for the busy teacher. Help make your students become more independent so you can get home to your family faster. Want more? Join the newsletter by clicking the link below.
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5 Ways to Celebrate your Summer Birthdays
The end of the year is a crazy time. Not only are you trying to finish up teaching the curriculum, but there’s also state testing, field trips and always an insane amount of “fun” activities. Then of course cleaning and packing up a classroom (whatever your school...
The ‘Back to School’ Chaos is over, Now what?
I don't know about you, but the beginning of the school year always feels like constant drowning. It's about now that I finally feel like I'm swimming to the surface. If you are anything like me, it's sort of a relief, but a different kind of stress has popped up...
5 things you can batch now to be less stressed later
What is Batching? It is the act of grouping like tasks. You wouldn’t make all the copies for one individual student at a time, you make a class set then move on to the next worksheet. You are batching copies. So what else can you do the during the summer, breaks, or...
Easy Differentiation with High-frequency words
The concept of “differentiation” can be a controversial one. And it drives me crazy! Differentiation is so important to give every student the quality education that they deserve; especially now more than ever with how disrupted kids’ education has been over the last...
6 Ways I learned to build Culture and Community while Teaching Online
One of the first things teachers learn in school is to build community and culture in their classroom. This helps with classroom management, student engagement, and overall student progress. Then the 2020/21 school year hit and most teachers were thrown into virtual...
How to use Common Core Checklists to Easily Differentiate for every Student
Differentiation is a hot word in education these days. Some people love it, some people are just waiting for the trend to end. Me? I freakin LOVE the idea of differentiation. It's what inspires me to teach. To be better. However, it is HARD. You have to know so much...
The Great Homework Debate
I’m going to start with a PSA: Teachers are professionals. Every teacher is different and has their own opinions. Yes-there are some not-very-good teachers, but there are many, many very good teachers. So whether or not you agree or disagree with what I’m about to...
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