What is Batching? It is the act of grouping like tasks. You wouldn’t make all the copies for one individual student at a time, you make a class set then move on to the next worksheet. You are batching copies. So what else can you do the during the summer, breaks, or even during the school year to make your teacher life easier.
Teachers have so much to do during the year, it only makes sense that we spread out some of the stress to ease our minds later. Now, I really hate the idea that teachers have to do work over the summer unpaid. HOWEVER I also know it is not physically possible to do all the things you want and know are best for students with the time we are given. It’s definitely a lose-lose situation in my opinion, but you have to do what’s best for you for your own mental health.
Personally- I don’t like to work outside my contract hours. I try to set my boundaries to work 8:30-4:30 (my contract hours) every day and not bring work home. But getting some work done during the summer is the only way I can do that. Here are 5 things that I do during the summer so it’s ready for me during the school year.
Side note: This did not happen right away. It took pregnancy and motherhood to help me prioritize my time and know when to take a break and when to work (which is also a continuously learning process).
1. Birthday Baggies
It’s super easy to set up birthday goodie bags so they are ready to grab the morning of a student’s birthday. AND-If you’re anything like me, you forget until the very last second and have to be prepared. I like to have little goodie bags made up with a piece of candy, pencil, straw or any small thing I can find that the kids would like. I include a small letter to them to take home that keeps the day special. This way the Morning of the birthday you can just grab it out and put it on their desk! Want to try these out for free? Sign up here!
Teacher Tip: Make sure you have clear expectations for what students do with their goodie bag! I have students put it straight into their backpack so it’s not a distraction (unless there is a crown, pencil or something else they can use during the day).
2. Vocabulary or Word Wall
This is a big task that will save you SO MUCH time. It obviously depends on your style and how you like things done, but if you like this type of stuff printed in color and laminated (so it lasts longer) then do it now. I like to have a math vocabulary word wall. But instead of making the vocabulary words the day before a lesson (when I finally look over what I’ll be teaching) I print, cut and laminate them for the WHOLE YEAR. That way, I can just look and grab when I’m ready!
3. Centers
This is another one that could potentially be a big task. It depends on the type of centers you plan on using, but if you are doing games or activities from TPT, now is the time to put them together. You do not want to be sitting and working on those the night or week before the lesson. I like to get them all printed, laminated, cut and put into these mesh bags * that are AMAZING to use for pretty much anything. Label and you are set! Just don’t lose them!
4. Hallway Bulletin Board
This is an example of one in my classroom that can easily be turned into a hallway bulletin board! Students choose what they want to put up on the “Proud Board.”
5. Back to school “stuff”
Last but not least, don’t forget all that back to school “stuff” that there always is. A lot of it can’t be done until schedules and class lists come out, but you can at least make a list of the copies that need to be made, supplies that need to be bought, or “to-do” items that go to administration. If you wait until the time you can actually make those copies, you might be too overwhelmed to remember it all. That leaves you with the “last minute scurries” and that’s what we are trying to avoid! Here’s my list in case you need some inspiration:
- Transportation form
- “About me”
- Parent volunteers
- About your child
- Classroom handbook/procedures
- Allergy information
You don’t have to do any of this during the summer. You don’t have to do ANY of it during this summer. This is your time! Enjoy it. But if you like to avoid the stress later and save yourself a little time, these are just a few things to work on!
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